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In all fairness, we have
some vices of our own.

Like casual streaking,
whatever and finding
excuses to celebrate.

Our other addiction?

Great work.

It’s what happens when
you combine a stocked
liquor cabinet, no fear
and creative people
in every department.
(Yes, in that order.)

Our other addiction?

Great work.

It’s what happens when
you combine a stocked
liquor cabinet, no fear
and creative people
in every department.
(Yes, in that order.)

So check out our
portfolio representing
30 years of having
an inappropriate
amount of fun.







Work that’s simple.

Work that’s smart.

Work with a rock-solid, strategic foundation.


Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism

That’s M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I, right?

Client | MS Gulf Coast Tourism

There are some folks who prefer their vacations confined to the sterilized walls of their hotel, sipping drinks with tiny umbrellas and eating what some executive “chef” is trying to pass off as “local” cuisine? You know, kinda tame.

The Mississippi Gulf Coast is the perfect spot for those who seek more, who wanna get untamed. For those who want to ditch the guidebook and discover. It’s the perfect spot to hunt for hidden places, meet interesting people and come back with story after story after story. It’s a place full of raw beauty and tons of adventure. In fact, we once read that the Mississippi Gulf Coast offers more adventure per capita than any other state in the union. True story.

Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism
Mississippi Gulf Coast Tourism

Hey Tree, I think I love you.

Spreading Arborly Love
Client | TreePhilly

In Philadelphia, we’re passionate about our sports teams. But we’re also pretty passionate about our one-trunked friends, trees. So when our friends at TreePhilly, a division of Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, came to us with the goal of helping Philadelphia become the greenest city by getting folks to adopt trees, we were up to the challenge. First, we coined the phrase City of Arborly Love, a play on City of Brotherly Love, obvi, to capture the love we feel for trees. Andfrom there, everything just sorta took off. A press conference with the mayor and our Barry White inspired Spokestree (trademark pending). Love notes that encouraged users to hashtag and join the lovefest. Artfully crafted transit signs beautified subway stations and busshelters. And finally, TreeHarmony, a website that matched a perspective tree adopter with their SoulTree.

Did it work? Well, over 3,000 trees found a firever home in the spring and the fall. Boom. Or should we say, “Bloom.”

TreePhilly TreePhilly TreePhilly TreePhilly TreePhilly TreePhilly TreePhilly TreeHarmony TreeHarmony TreeHarmony TreeHarmony

Welcome to Boomtown.

Client | Boomtown Casino

Pinnacle Entertainment’s iconic Boomtown brand was tired, bland and relegated to an afterthought by many. Until Masterminds came in and brought some noise.

To jump-start an image overhaul, we hit the books, the pavement and the coffee until we unearthed the insight that people were into the local vibe and familiarity of Boomtown. It wasn’t just their casino. It was their joint. A place where they could knock back a few drinks among friends, get into a little trouble and just be themselves.

To bring this “speakeasy” experience to life, we created the “Welcome to Boomtown” campaign complete with a rich backstory. Boomtown was reloaded with a provocative attitude and a brash, bold look. Not unlike those customers who are the heart and soul of this joint.

Boomtown Boomtown Boomtown

Meet the heroes behind the heroes.


Every Batman has his Robin. The lesser-known guy behind the scenes. It was this type of unsung hero that the Battleship New Jersey, now a floating museum on the Camden Waterfront, was set to spotlight with the new “City at Sea” tour.

The tour took visitors into the rarely seen areas of the Battleship - the doctor’s office, dentist’s office, laundry room, TV studio, barbershop and post office - where the “heroes behind the heroes” thrived. The campaign pulled off some heroics of its own, but fortunately none of us were forced to wear spandex. Though some may have voluntarily.

Battle Ship Battle Ship Battle Ship Battle Ship Battle Ship
Fallen Oaks

I am Fallen Oak.


Most of us at Masterminds are pretty handy with a 7 iron. So when MGM MIRAGE asked us to take our best shot at launching their new Tom Fazio-designed golf course, Fallen Oak, we were game.

The research was tough, and included many, many, exhausting hours on those perfectly manicured greens. We ultimately discovered that the course had a personality all its own, and to highlight this to our audience of elite golfers from around the country, we gave it its own voice. One that spoke directly to the psyche of avid golfers, who we knew wanted nothing more than to put their game to the test against the best. A voice that called, “I am Fallen Oak, 7,487 yards of possibility and impossible beauty.”

The golfers answered and came in droves. Unfortunately for us, we eventually had to leave.

Fallen Oaks
Fallen Oaks
Philladelphia Zoo

Discover something unique.


Hippos. Illusive giant elephant shrews. Ring-tailed lemurs. We love everything about the Philadelphia Zoo. So when they approached us to help boost their attendance during the winter months, we were all over it.

The challenge was not only to create awareness that the zoo was open year round, but to also prove that it was worth going to, even in the brutal cold. To solve this, we settled into our natural habitat – messy office desks filled with the warming glow of laptops. Eventually, in true survival of the fittest fashion, we landed on the insight that smaller crowds gave visitors the chance to linger a bit longer and discover something unique that they may have missed during more crowded visits.

Philladelphia Zoo Philladelphia Zoo
Philladelphia Zoo
Bag Belt

Adult swim.


Located on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, MGM MIRAGE’s Beau Rivage is a resort casino that draws plenty of out-of-state visitors. So when it came time to think of a new way to make this segment take notice of The Beau, we decided to take our creative talents to the first place this audience sees when they hit up the Gulf Coast – The Biloxi Gulfport Airport.

Figuring they were already stressed out from flying, our intent was to give travelers a sense of R&R, asap. Our big idea was to transform the bag belt into a refreshing pool, complete with real water and real bikini models. And when the airport said, “no,” we created the illusion of a refreshing pool with some really cool imagery. It grabbed travelers’ attention – and we grabbed plenty of awards. Splish splash.

Bag Belt Bag Belt Bag Belt Bag Belt
Pocono Mountains

Nothing’s greater than this.


Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau [PMVB] turned to Masterminds to help launch their seasonal campaign, which included two major media markets—and a gutted budget. To solve this problem, we did what we do best. We made some hot chocolate. Then we did the other thing we’re not too shabby at – we got creative.

“Life’s Greater in the Pocono Mountains” is a multi-channel campaign which compared our audience’s hectic city life with the kick back ‘n’ relax offerings of the Poconos. The campaign featured the “Greater Maker,” a social media game that allowed fans to take a break from posting pictures of their meatloaf dinner and instead create their own “greater than” equation to share with their friends. It was an easy way for the PMVB message to be extended into big markets without draining the budget. More importantly, it was fun as hell to play. 

Pocono Mountains Pocono Mountains Pocono Mountains Pocono Mountains Pocono Mountains Pocono Mountains

As seen on TMZ.

Our agency happy hour just got way happier.

Our agency happy hour
just got way happier.

Sometimes our job comes with perks. And in this case the perks are subtly carbonated, perfectly hopped, wonderfully crafted beers. Glorious, glorious beers.

Posters & Packaging Design
Posters & Packaging Design

First, from Philadelphia’s own Yards Brewing Company. It’s one of the many advantages for doing work for these fine people who were doing the whole craft beer thing long before the craft beer thing was a thing. And besides the caseloads of beer, as their new agency of record, we’re getting to do the type of work that we love and are proud of.  Packaging. Social. Traditional. And stay tuned for a ridiculously cool new Yards website.

Exterior Signage, Interior Design, Menu, Poster
Exterior Signage, Interior Design, Menu, Poster

And then from U-Bahn Philly. It’s the dope new underground rock and roll and beer and grub joint that everyone is talking about. For Zagat to call it, “Hot,” you know it must be, well, hot. And we’re happy to play a part in their success, doing a whole lotta things for them ­– interior design, menus, uniforms, the website, and all of the advertising.

We’re beaming over here guys. Seriously. Or it might just be the beer. Either way, we loooooove it. Bad.


Getting Down with Arborly Love

Philadelphia is known for its passionate folks – just ask us about our feelings on the Eagles (Romo sucks) or how we like our cheesesteaks (Romo sucks). Of course, this love isn’t exactly associated with everything. Take for instance…trees.

So when the fine folks from TreePhilly (a greening initiative from Philly’s Parks and Rec department that’s backed by Mayor Nutter) approached us recently to help them channel some of our city’s passion in Mother Nature’s direction, we only had one thing on our mind—sweet, sweet Arborly Love.

TreePhilly was gearing up to announce their bi-annual free tree giveaway, and our challenge was to cultivate some citywide chatter about the event. So we figured the best way to get the city talking about trees…was to get the trees talking to the city.

Love Park TreePhilly kickoff event.

We started the convo by hanging speech bubbles on trees all over the city, basically turning Philly into the City of Arborly Love. The signs included messages of love, straight from the trees, expressing how much the citizens of Philadelphia made their branches tingle. To keep the love flowing online, we also included the hashtag #TreePhilly. Of course, we didn’t stop with just speech bubbles. We also did design work for a special promotional “Tree Truck”, created a bunch of ADDY Award-winning posters and launched a series of killer radio spots.

Our participation in the TreePhilly initiative culminated with a registration kickoff event hosted by the man himself—Mayor Nutter—in Love Park. Among the many speakers was our very own spokestree, who could best be described as Barry White reincarnated as a tree who only wanted to love you…oh so gently, baby. You can catch his heartfelt (and sexy) speech below.

We had fun doing our part in spreading some Arborly Love around Philly. If you or someone you know currently has roots in Philadelphia, be sure to check out TreePhilly.org

Handcrafting Brü’s Website

Handcrafting Brü’s Website

One of our favorite projects from the past year was to help launch Philly’s new German Biergarten, Brü Craft & Wurst. With inspirations from famous German figures like Mad King Ludwig and the Brothers Grimm, we gave the bar a personality that was a bit…off-kilter. Fortunately, people around here really dig off-kilter (and awesome beer), and Brü’s debut was a major success. After we put down our celebratory steins it was time to eye up the next challenge – creating a website for Brü that was as distinctive as the bar itself.

Handcrafting Brü’s Website
Behind the scene of the website shoot.

We knew firsthand that the place was pretty damn cool. The arsenal of LCD TVs. The giant self-serve beer wall. The schnitzel. So we pulled up our lederhosen and got to work, eventually hitting on the idea that the best way to show off the bar was to let the viewer walk right through it…virtually. Sure the idea was a bit out there …but hell, so was Brü.

Of course, pulling off unconventional ideas sometimes requires a little teamwork. So we enlisted help from Nic D’Amico, a celebrity-status photographer based in Philadelphia, to help us figure out how to pull off das site. Ultimately, we used high-res photography with Nic slowly…slowly…slowly walking his way through Brü, taking photos about a half-inch at a time. Patience, Daniel-san.

Making things all the more challenging was replicating a rather packed bar house…for a 10am shoot. Thus working at Masterminds that day meant you had to go sit at a bar and pretend to be a patron…by doing things like drinking lots of beer and eating delicious food. It's a rough life.

The whole process would yield a little more than 1,300 photos and end up taking all day to shoot (not that we're complaining). With the goods in-hand our design team along with help from Center City Film and Video poured in the hours, kicking ass until the vision was complete. The end result? Well. You be the judge.


Handcrafting Brü’s Website
Brü’s website is a combination of parallax scrolling and image sequencing web technologies.


Flying cars. Zombie apocalypses. Coke 3. Regardless of what the future may hold, we’re making sure we’re ready. Since ‘86, we’ve been a private corporation, making noise for most of that time with just two owners—CEO, Nancy Smith and President, Joe McIntire. Now our two captains are calling in reinforcements, including three new shareholders and partners.

The additions to the masthead include: Ryan Leeds, VP Strategy; George Cortesini, VP Director of Account Management; and Joseph McDonough, VP, Executive Creative Director. All three have clocked plenty of years at the mother ship and have made some big impacts to help put us on the map.

When we questioned our CEO, Nancy Smith for a comment, she said she “never heard of any of those dudes before.” We kid, we kid. Here’s what she really said, ““This was the first step in a succession plan. I could think of no better way to secure the future of the company than to begin to pass it down to those who have been key to its past success and are integral to its future.”

HOWDY PARTNERS - Business Cards
Proof that they work here!

Leeds entered the fray in 2007 as an Account Sup. Before we knew it, he was changing things for the better. Back in the day, his spidey sense told him that social media was going to be a game changer. That intuition lead to the explosive growth of our social media division. Ryan also manages our new biz efforts and helps lead the agency’s new digs in Center City.

Cortesini worked his way up, from the ground floor to the top floor. He began in the mid-90s as an Account Coordinator in the basement at our former “converted house” location. (Ah, memories…) Eventually, his unrelenting work ethic and management skills landed him an office. And a door. All you really need to know is that his clients love the hell out of him. (But not in a creepy stalker way.)

Harley-riding McDonough literally helped open the doors to our agency. From ’86 on, he has led the bulk of our creative goodness with a Sharpie in one hand and a Guinness in the other. With Joe at the helm, our creative department continues to rack up awards and fire on all cylinders.

We’re pretty proud of these three chaps. If you see ‘em out and about and want to hear a few stories, buy them a beer. If you want to hear the dirty versions, start a tab.

2013 National Addy Awards

No summer vacation from doing good work

Bikini season is officially here. While we haven’t won any swimsuit competitions (YET), we have won something slightly better. A National ADDY. Yep, mastermindsagency.com, the very site you’re gazing at right now, won a National Silver ADDY for Advertising Industry Self-promotion. The site was judged by the industry’s best creatives at the local and district levels, before ultimately grabbing the pretty shiny thingy on the national stage during a recent ceremony in Phoenix, Arizona.

ADDY for Advertising Industry Self-promotion
Jason Brantly and Girlfriend Susan Wall, The Biltmore Hotel Phoenix Arizona

That’s not the only kickass work we’ve been getting dirty with around here. We recently finished up a summer campaign for our friends at the Pocono Mountains. We cranked out several solid TV spots that should lead to thousands of people calling out sick to go zip lining with their loved ones. You can check ‘em out by clicking below:

Coming Soon...

We also helped launch a new German Biergarten. If you’re in Philly, swing by BRÜ Craft & Wurst at 1318 Chestnut Street. Tell them Masterminds sent you and get a complimentary pair of pre-owned lederhosen.

BRÜ Craft & Wurst
BRÜ Craft & Wurst at 1318 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

As for what else we’re up to, you can get the latest by checking back here.

Building a Stadium — with help from Marshall Faulk

Building a Stadium — with help from Marshall Faulk

It might surprise you to know that not one person at Masterminds is a member of the NFL Hall of Fame. In fact, most of us have never even played a down of pro ball. We’re just a bunch of rabid fans who’d sell our firstborn for an extra 20 minutes of the Red Zone channel. So you can imagine how pumped we were when our client, St. Louis-based Lumiere Place Casino, asked us to develop a branding campaign for their expanding chain of Stadium sports bars. A campaign that would feature Marshall Faulk. You know, the Hall of Fame running back with a bazillion TDs.

Masterminds and MARSHALL FAULK
Behind the sceens with Marshall Faulk at Stadium Sports Bar, Grill, and Lounge

Needless to say, we didn’t waste any time getting to work. Creative team members Jason Brantly, Creative Director; Brian Murray and Chad Brophy, Copywriters; and Justin Rentzel, Associate Art Director, went into OT building a campaign around “Marshall’s Take,” AKA words of wisdom from Marshall. Before we knew it, we were out in St. Louis, cranking out creative magic with the man himself. The work involved everything from photo shoots to studio time. There was even some elbow rubbing. When the dust settled, the campaign was launched with a series of print and outdoor, plus over a dozen radio spots that you can check out for yourself below.

Although we didn’t get to see any Rams cheerleaders, we still had a great time working with Marshall. He even said that his time with us was more memorable than when he won the Super Bowl. And as our campaign shows, Marshall always speaks the truth.

Generosity Day

Share the Love on Generosity Day

Sometimes we like to wax philosophic and think about the mysteries of the universe. For instance: what is love? Being in advertising and understanding that all ads speak the truth, we watched as many Valentine’s Day commercials as possible for the answer. Our conclusion was that love is made of the following: a greeting card, preferably one with glitter [only $4.99], chocolate truffles wrapped in red cellophane [FREE with purchase of three cards!], 12 red roses delivered publicly [only $39.99 and FREE shipping!], a gourmet dinner somewhere fancy [just hand over your wallet now] and finally a diamond, delivered under a tree covered in lights, on bended knee [your soul.] Wait. What?

Ok, so perhaps we’re being a little dramatic, but when did love become about how much one could spend, rather than how much one could simply give?

Last week, we were contacted by volunteers from an organization called “Generosity Day.” They asked for guidance in spreading the word about this “holiday” based on kindness, generosity and yes - love. The idea sprang from a “Generosity Experiment” undertaken by the Chief Innovation Officer at the Acumen Fund, Sasha Dichtor. For one month, he said “yes” to every request as an effort to put action behind the idea of generosity. After his experiment, he launched Generosity Day on February 14th,. The idea was to change the meaning of Valentine’s Day from expensive gifts and obligatory dinners, to true love and generosity. You can see more about the history and watch Sasha’s TED Talk here.

We were inspired by the idea. Our answer to their request was to build an app to facilitate the spread of generosity , which we called “Share the Love.” Here one can learn more about the day, peruse ideas for ways to act kindly and share them through Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, share a personal story of generosity or thankfulness, plus find more information on becoming a media ambassador to help spread the word. You can check it out in action here.

Generosity Day

Generosity Day is a complete grassroots effort. There are no paid staff and there is no budget. No one has to buy any chocolates or heart-shaped pendants. There are only volunteers who believe in the premise of generosity, who came together to help spread the word through blogger, social and media outreach. It's positively refreshing. It made us feel happy and we were proud to be a part of the spread of generosity. We plan on giving a little bit extra back on February 14th and throughout the year. We hope all of you reading this will consider doing the same. Share the Love.

Philadelphia Office

We’re Movin On Up.

We’re going through a bunch of changes around here. New office, new clients, new look, hence the new website.

Masterminds Philadelphia
211 North 13th Street, Suite 500

Yep, we’re now in Philly. Conveniently located near other businesses. Like bars. While we’re new to Philadelphia, we’re not new to the area. And we’re certainly no strangers to marketing and advertising. In fact, we’ve been making noise at our Jersey Shore headquarters before Snooki was even born. 27 years to be exact.

Now we have our eyes on bigger things and we’re looking to bring in some talented guys and gals to come along for the ride. Take-no-prisoners creatives, account management folks, and anyone who fancies themselves as an interactive juggernaut. Is that you?

Shoot us an e-mail loaded up with work so impressive, it’ll make us fight out back over who gets to call you first. Until then, thanks for checking us out.

Check out our current job openings here.

Double Truck

Double Truck Rocks the Legendary Dobbs.

We put our talents to work on a daily basis making damn good ads for our clients. But every now and then, a few of us get together to work on one of our other passions. Music.

Double Truck
The official Double Truck beer koozies.

Such was the case on a recent Thursday night when our Masterminds band “DoubleTruck” tossed its cowboy hat into the ring to take part in the Philadelphia Art Directors Club’s 2nd annual “Battle of the Agency Bands.” Held at The Legendary Dobbs in Philadelphia, our country rock band threw down with groups from other Philly agencies for a wild night of music (and drinking).

Double Truck
What kind of band would we be without a T-shirt?

DoubleTruckers included VP/CD Jason Brantly and Social Media Manager Drea Janssen on lead vocals, and Account Executive Jon Branca on bass and acoustic guitar. The rest of Masterminds crew was in the house as DoubleTruck rocked the crowd with tunes like Lady Antebellum's "We Owned the Night" and "Need You Now," "Satisfied" by Ashley Monroe and "Don't You Wanna Stay" by Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson. The competition was fierce, but when the dust settled and the final note was sung, only DoubleTruck was left standing. Well, maybe wobbling. There were lots of shots being passed around.

Aside from a damn good show, many of those in attendance also got their hands on limited edition DoubleTruck double koozies. Many of which found their way to ebay, selling for justifiably exorbitant prices.

Of course, the best part of the whole event was that all the proceeds went to charity. Rock on.

Get gruntled.

Looking to hitch your horse to our cart? Wow us with your
best stuff (or bribes) – jobs@mastermindsagency.com

For the latest job postings and a whole lot of other
goodness, follow/like/connect/tickle - just hit the icons.

Equal Opportunity Employer

Account Management Assistant


We're looking for a future agency all-star to assist our Account Management teams in trafficking work.

The ideal candidate is detail oriented, highly organized with strong communication skills that can quickly adapt to ever changing priorities. They have graduated college, preferable with a Marketing or Advertising degree, and have relevant internships and/or professional experience. 

If this sounds like you, then destiny is calling. This is a great entry level opportunity to help catapult your career.

This is a remote position, but proximity to our Northfield, NJ or Philadelphia, PA office is preferred for in-person training and occasional team/client meetings.

If this sounds like your kind of gig, please send your résumé and cover letter with "Account Management Assistant” in the subject line. (NOTE: For ease of viewing, it would bring us great joy if your cover letter and résumé were also copied into the body of your email.)


Accounting Clerk - AP / Media Reconciler


We are looking for an organized, detail-oriented person to learn our systems and be a part of our accounting department. The Accounting Clerk – AP / Media Reconciler will be responsible for various aspects of accounts payable and media reconciliation for the agency. This includes preparing and processing payable checks, verifying media invoices against media schedules, maintaining electronic vendor files, researching and resolving discrepancies, and other administrative functions necessary to help the department run smoothly.

The person we are looking for will have the ability to work well with others as well as work independently, be flexible and willing to take on new tasks as needed. Must have the ability to learn new software systems, possess well developed communication and organization skills, and be able to meet deadlines.

Masterminds is a full-service advertising agency that has been in business for over 30 years with offices in Northfield, NJ and Philadelphia, PA. Although we mainly work remotely, this position requires you to come to the Northfield office 1-2 days a week to distribute and scan incoming mail, cut vendor checks and complete other accounting and administrative duties.

A four-year college degree with a minimum of 2 years accounting experience preferred. Must possess a strong knowledge of accounting principles and practices. Must be computer literate with a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook and Adobe Acrobat. We use Advantage software for our accounting system, but other accounting software experience is a plus.

If you have these qualifications and this position sounds like what you enjoy doing, please forward your résumé. Please send resume and cover letter to: jobs@mastermindsagency.com with "Accounting Clerk" in the subject line. (NOTE: for ease of viewing, we would appreciate it if your cover letter and resume were also copied into the body of your email.) EOE


Graphic Designer/Animator


Do you express yourself with a limitless visual vocabulary? Can you design for all visual media? Does your resume look as good as it reads? Is it proofread? If so, we should talk. Minimum of 2 years agency experience preferred. Expert level of proficiency in InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere required. Assignments range from traditional collateral design to animated content for on-property displays and social media. Work and collaborate remotely via Skype, phone and remote server access. Please send cover letter, PDF portfolio or URL and resume to: to: jobs@mastermindsagency.com with “Graphic Designer/Animator” in the subject line. (NOTE: Please copy your cover letter and resume into the body of your email.) Remote - Continental US Only. Please, no staffing agency inquiries. EOE


Digital Strategist


Great opportunity to join the digital department at a growing full-service advertising agency with offices in Philadelphia, PA and Northfield, NJ. This is a remote position but does require in person training and the ability to travel for client meetings.

The Digital Strategist will be responsible for developing a thorough understanding of our clients overall marketing goals and will help plan and guide their digital strategies. They will communicate with the client on a daily and weekly basis regarding digital properties and campaigns and will be able to effectively communicate how digital strategies are helping to meet agreed upon client KPIs.

In addition to strategy and planning, the Digital Strategist should be comfortable with the set up, execution and reporting of digital media including paid social, search and Salesforce Marketing Cloud email campaigns. They should have experience in the management, configuration, ad serving and trafficking, troubleshooting, campaign tracking, optimization, and reporting of various digital efforts. The Digital Strategist is also responsible for staying up to date on trends in the industry and bringing new opportunities to the table that meet client campaign objectives.

To join our team, you'll need the following skills:
Juggling skills. You can keep multiple balls in the air at any given time. Regardless of the distractions that may derail amateurs, your organization skills, focus and attention to detail are impressive. You've got noteworthy problem-solving skills too. Got a technology issue? You noodle it out until you figure it out. Frustrated by inefficient procedures and poor communications? You create new procedures and better ways to share information. You're a bit of a software geek. No need to be a coder, but some experience with HTML, Google Analytics, Google Ads Manager, Google Ads and/or Facebook/Snapchat/LinkedIn Ad Platforms is necessary. An analytical mind, attention to detail and proficiency using Word and Excel are must haves. At minimum we would like to see 3 years of experience in digital marketing in an agency or client setting. Google Analytics and Ad Words certifications will be required before you can start.

Please send resume and cover letter with "Digital Strategist" in the subject line. (NOTE: For ease of viewing, it would bring us great joy if your cover letter and resume were also copied into the body of your email.) EOE

Job Type: Full-time


Media Planner/Buyer


Can you negotiate yourself out from between a rock and a hard place? Are you the missing piece that we have been waiting for? If so, we have a great opportunity for you to join our team! We’re seeking a skilled Media Planner/Buyer with 5+ years traditional media experience that is ready to run the day-to-day planning and buying for our clients. This person will develop and implement media plans across multiple traditional media channels (TV, Radio, Print, OOH). Masterminds has offices located in Philadelphia and southern New Jersey, but this job will be performed remotely, so the only traffic you’ll need to worry about is the traffic instructions you are working on. The ideal candidate will be in close proximity to either of our offices and residing in the Eastern Time Zone is preferred. This position is open to residents of the United States.

Skills we are looking for:

  • Familiar with various forms of media, media terminology, and media software (Experience with Advantage is a plus)
  • Experience buying traditional media: including TV, Radio, Print, and OOH
  • Works well with others
  • Strong media buying and negotiation skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Quick learner
  • Detail oriented
  • Works well with deadlines and can multi-task and produce work in a timely fashion
  • Eagerness to learn and grow
  • Ability to self-manage and work independently

Essential Functions:

  • Planning and buying traditional media – ensuring plans are strategic and in line with clients’ goals
  • Creating and sending traffic instructions for broadcast media
  • Request and enter avails for broadcast buys
  • Manage media schedules and budgets
  • Work towards achieving goals regarding added value and SQAD
  • Regularly update flowcharts as plans change and evolve
  • Reconcile invoices and discrepancies
  • Research and evaluate new opportunities
  • Make sure necessary media documents: run lists, flowcharts, POV’s, traffic, memos, emails, etc. are updated and delivered to clients and team members as needed
  • Stay on top of opportunities as they arise and present them to clients
  • Establish strong relationships with media partners
  • Work collaboratively with other agency teams
  • Participate in weekly client meetings and present media updates and plans when necessary

Please send resume and cover letter to: jobs@mastermindsagency.com with “Media Planner/Buyer” in the subject line. (NOTE: For ease of viewing, it would bring us great joy if your cover letter and resume were also copied into the body of your email.) EOE

Go ahead, cheat on
your other agency.

RYAN LEEDS Managing Partner
New Business Inquiries


834 North Fourth Street, Unit 1
Philadelphia, PA 19123



1001 Tilton Road, Suite 204
Northfield, NJ 08225
